Stressed 4 Xmas

Social campaign on air for Xmas holidays. A short tale about a kitchen, drinks and their backstage. An unconventional story for an unconventional brand.

Maggy: “My loooove… I’m going to cook an amazing recipe for the Christmas dinner..”

Jim: “Honey, it’s only the 18th today…!!”

Maggy: “Yes, yes, yes, I know.. I only have 7 days, I’m late..”

some milk and biscuits for Santa

Maggie: “I can’t remember if you like beans, Jim.”

Jim: “No, my love, I hate beans..”

Maggie: “Ok, lunch is quite ready..”

Jim: “Maggie, are you ready?

We’ve to go, we’re late.”

Maggie. “Yes, yes, I’m looking for something red,

do you know that’s lucky?”

Happy new year!

Is the party over or is it just begun?